你听说过“婴儿忧郁症”吗?" Feeling sad or anxious before or after having a baby is common; 1 in 5 people in New Hampshire have depression during or after pregnancy. And more than half of pregnancy-related deaths are linked to suicide or drug overdose. But there are ways we can all make a difference—including noticing the signs of depression, helping with the baby and sharing resources at 十大正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台卫生, in the community and through national organizations.
"I'm always assessing for mental health risks when I meet with patients,Beatrice Ngugi说, 垃圾, PMH-C, 妇产科, 十大正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台卫生. "I try to normalize that this happens so patients are not ashamed. I also encourage them to make a post-pregnancy plan with family and friends for 支持 once the baby arrives,她补充道, stressing these same points in this WCAX-TV Channel 3 news story.
的 baby blues have mild symptoms that usually happen during the first 2 weeks after a baby's birth. But a perinatal mood or anxiety disorder can happen during pregnancy—and through the first year after the baby is born. 这些症状更严重.
Some signs you, or someone you care about, should look out for include:
- 很难起床.
- Not enjoying the activities that used to bring joy.
- 情绪变化.
- 行为变化.
- 睡不着或睡得太多.
- Having thoughts of being better off dead or of your family being better off without you.
"Pregnancy itself is not particularly a time that causes anxiety or depression—but people who already experience anxiety or depression before becoming pregnant are at a higher risk, especially if they stop taking psychiatric medications without speaking to their provider first,茱莉亚·弗鲁解释道, MD, 精神病学助理教授, OB/GYN and Medical 教育; vice chair of 教育, 精神科, 盖泽尔医学院/十大正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台健康中心. “最好打电话给你的产科医生。, nurse midwife or primary care provider (PCP) to discuss whether it may be best to continue or taper off medication based on your personal history."
Frew says certain changes that come with having a baby can also increase the risk of a perinatal mood and anxiety disorder. 的y can happen within the first 4 weeks after giving birth or up until 12 months after, ,包括:
- 激素的变化.
- Lifestyle changes, including being home on maternity leave when being used to working.
- Trying to do everything in the home oneself, including caring for other children.
- 极度缺乏睡眠.
Family members and friends can help by creating a plan that includes:
- Making sure mom gets 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
- 喂奶时注意换尿布.
- 在大半夜被人叫走.
- 设置访问限制.
- Making and delivering meals (especially the first 2 weeks postpartum).
- 鼓励自我保健.
- Offering resources, including local parenting groups.
- 知道了 自杀 & 危机的生命线:拨打或发短信988.
- 共享 产妇心理健康热线电话:1-833-tlc-mama1-833-852-6262).
的 产妇心理健康领导联盟 says 75% of people don't get the mental health care they need after giving birth. But there are many resources ready to help if you notice signs of the baby blues in yourself or another person.
以及以下选项, Frew encourages new parents to reach out to their OB, 护士助产士或PCP. "如果出现症状, there are safe and effective treatments for pregnant and breastfeeding people,她说.
- 我们是来帮忙的! To see a provider Monday-Friday, 8 am to 5 pm, call 603-653-9300. 下班后,打电话 603-650-5000 and ask for the OB provider on call; or go to the closest Emergency Room.
- 妇女健康资源中心, 第四孕期:新妈妈支援小组,星期四上午十一时. Make friends, share and have questions answered about nursing and other baby care issues. 欢迎合作伙伴.
- 妇女健康资源中心, 虚拟第四孕期小组星期三上午10点. 在北 603-650-2600.
- 上山谷的美好开端, 黎巴嫩, New Hampshire: 12 weeks of free in-home visits or virtual meet-ups that provide 支持 to families with young babies. 603-867-5309
- NH chapter of 国际产后支持协会: a nonprofit organization dedicated to maternal mental health that offers resources for patients, 家庭和提供者, 包括免费的在线支持小组, 资源连接, and a provider database of mental health providers with special training in perinatal mental health. 电子邮件: ψ.nh.board@gmail.com.
- 橙县亲子中心, 坦布里奇, VT: helps families who have young children with education, 支持, 倡导和健康. 802-685-2264
- 家庭场所, Norwich, VT: works with children and caregivers. 802-649-3268
- TLC家庭资源中心, Claremont, NH: promotes the health and development of children and families in New Hampshire. 603-542-1848
- 空手佛蒙特州: perinatal grief 支持 groups for anyone who has experienced pregnancy or infant loss at any stage. 802-232-2512
- 流产很重要: 支持 groups and one-on-one peer discussion
- 分享-怀孕的NH章 & 婴儿损失支持:weekly online groups for pregnancy loss and pregnancy after loss
- 眼泪基金会NH分会:妊娠和婴儿损失支持小组
- 产妇心理健康领导联盟: a nonprofit working to improve mental health care during pregnancy and postpartum
- 国家危机短信热线: Text HOME to 741741 about any type of crisis.
- 全国产妇心理健康热线: provides 24/7, free and confidential 支持 before, during and after pregnancy.
- 国家自杀 & 危机的生命线:拨打或发短信988.
- 产妇心理健康政策中心: working to close gaps in maternal mental health care.
- 国际产后支持协会: offers 支持 groups (see New Hampshire chapter above), including for pregnancy loss and for those trying to conceive after loss. 打电话或发短信: 1-800-944-4773.
欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 OB/GYN: Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Nurse Midwifery 网站.